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Wanna join the ISF experience ! You are on the right page smiley

Step 1: Before preparing your application

• The applicant organisation shall see if their national activities fall the under the School Sport definition and share the values of education through Sport
• Make sure that your organisation is the leading body of school sport in your respected country.
• The applicant shall inform the International School Sport Federation of its intention to apply for membership.

Step 2: Prepare your application

The document that will have to be filled in are
• The affiliation form (pdf below)
• A letter that certificates you are sole representative of school sport in your country
• Declaration of your organisation’s engagement to pay the annual membership fee from the moment your country is accepted as ISF member country (pdf below)
• All documents are available upon request to

Step 3: Evaluation process

The Executive Committee will revise the application and will temporary approve or postpone your membership before the official approval of the upcoming General Assembly.

Your opportunities as an ISF member :

• Raise your voice and represent your country at international school event
• You have the right to vote during biennale General Assembly (full members only)
• You can apply to be elected member of the Executive Committee to contribute to the school sport movement
• You can be appointed in a Technical Commission to develop and organise the ISF events
• Your country can host and organise the biennale sporting events like World Schools Championships and Gymnasiade or representation events like bi-annual Executive Committee & biennale General Assembly.
• Reinforce your network and be a decision maker
• Receive all news about ISF’s activities and projects
• Highlights of your organisation on the ISF website, bimestrial magazine and social media
• Be invited to seminars and forums organised by ISF and its members.
• Benefit from the support of the School Sport Foundation
• Endevaour bilateral cooperation with school sport entities or international federations